The television is a way of very important communication that comes to all the homes and to the social classes as which it has great influence in the behavior of the individuals and even more in the children.
The television, typical phenomenon of our times, he presents multiple facets of general interest for the individuals, the characteristic of the T.V. is that of being a way of communication of mass due to which numbers and varied interests center concerning them since it is the programming that transmits. It is the way of communication that major influence has inside the homes, on having placed as a social organization, as a culture to socialize that takes immersed a study of life, joined needs, aspirations and ways of thinking and to act with the intention of users' mass that answers to the interests of the economic dominant groups.
The television is born from the conjunction of a series of phenomena and simultaneous investigations but developed aisladamente. The original discovery of the " photo cables " in the middle of the 19th century (The word Television would not be used but until 1900), owes his advances and I develop several investigators who experimented with the transmission of images route electromagnetic waves.
From the 50s, the television has turned into the way of excellent communication. Evidently, his history goes back several decades behind, but the authentic revolution, in his days, is not comparable, with no other.
The prehistory of the television starts, in strict sense, of the most elementary technical discoveries that made possible the transmission distantly of the image in movement. Globally, since it would happen with the radio, it must differ between the technical procedures that allowed to send the first images or sounds of an issuer to a recipient and the moment in which the same sign managed to be caught by a high number of recipients and to turn the simple way of communication into social phenomenon. The remote beginning of the age of the television they depart from the discovery of the selenium, an indispensable metalloid in the composition of the new invention. But when Berzelius discovered it, in 1817, nobody was thinking about similar usefulness. Equal it would happen twenty-two years later, in 1839, with the demonstration - at the expense of Becquerel - of the electromagnetic effects of the light.
The advances in the investigation of three scientific different areas made possible to turn the television into an independent reality: the first one, the photoelectricity, or capacity of some bodies to transform the luminous energy; the second one, the processes of analyses capable of separating into its elements a photography in lines and clear and dark points, and to return it later to his original form; the third one, the advances in the manipulation of the faeces of electrons, that would make possible repeat this process of decomposition and restitution of images twenty-five times per second.
1 comentarios:
I don't even think about reading this text copied from somewhere. You must have done the composition by yourself, using your own words and, of course, the Passive, and not just searching on the net ( and using a translator then. I know you have used another source but I'm not going to lose my time looking for it. You have already wasted my time with this!!
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